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Who am I?

Amnon Zohar is a hi-tech business entrepreneur and founder of internet and social media companies.  Amnon was born and educated in Israel and is a graduate of the Israeli Academy for Computer Sciences. After 40 years in Canada, Amnon went back for a sabbatical year in Israel as a student at Tel-Aviv University majoring in International Relations, Islamic and Middle East and Global Security studies.  Amnon possesses an in-depth understanding of the political and social environments in Israel and the Middle East and his lecture series “The winds of social and political change in Israel and the Middle East” offers a unique perspective that would appeal to all Canadians. Apart from his total dedication to his family of 15 including his wife Alis (Elche), 3 children and their spouses and 7 of the most beautiful, talented and adorable Grandchildren,  Amnon's main interests include politics, international relations, adventure travel and international football (soccer). 

Or am I:

My life story

I was born in the town of Rehovoth, Israel before Israel was born. I was married when I was only 19 to a girl who just turned 20. I met this girl when she was only 6 years old. She was a neighbour of mine. She lived less than half a mile from my home. We went to grade school together and then to high school. We dated since we were 15 years old. She has been my wife, my friend, my lover and my partner ever since we married some 53 plus years ago. She is the only woman I loved, the only woman I adore and admire every waking hour. In April of 1971 we arrived in Canada with 3 toddlers and 4 suitcases of "warm" Israeli cloths that were of zero use in the Canadian climate.  Fast forward we are now a family of 15 including 7 of the most beautiful, talented and adorable grandchildren, if I may say so myself. 

Do you really want to know? 

Zohar Blessing

ברכה לזהר

הרוח היא נושבת עצים הם בשלכת

הסתו הגיע ועמו את מתבגרת

עשור שנים עברו מאז כתבתי לך השיר

והנה את בת מצוה ועתידך עשיר

יפה ואצילה לקראתו הנך צועדת

בחיוך מקרין בשובבות עינים מענינת

ואנו שזכינו לראותך פורחת לתפארת

מאחלים לך ברכת זהר נהדרת

יברכך אלוהים וישמרך

וימלא את לבך באהבה ובשמחה

באושר ובתבונה

כי בת ישראל הנך היום ולנו הגאוה


A Blessing for Zohar

The wind is blowing the leaves are falling

Autumn has arrived, and you are growing

A decade passed since I wrote you a poem

Now you are a Bat Mitzvah with future bright

Beautiful and regal toward it do you march

With a bright smile and mischievous gaze

We the fortunate who saw you bloom and blossom

Wish you and bestow upon you the Zohar blessing

“May the Lord bless you and guard you and, may

He fill your heart with Love and Happiness, Joy and Wisdom

from now and forever as of today you are

A daughter of the people Israel and

our pride and joy”


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