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Articles - Academic Papers, Essays, Exams

In 2009 I registered to York University in Toronto as a full time undergraduate student in Political Science and International Relations. The first reason was that it was a life long ambition of mine to go to University; the second reason was that international politics especially in Israel the United States and Canada has been and continues to be my passion. However the real reason was that I was trying to find out for myself through hands on experience if it was true that York University has become a "Hornest Nest" and a breeding ground for the anti-Israeli BDS movement and generally to promote an academic agenda that distorts the facts of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict and de-legitimize the state of Israel. My findings have been expressed in a number of articles that you can find in this section and others but my conclusion and experience are clear: York University is a breeding ground for anti United States and anti Israel. I am worried that students  are being poisoned by biased, distorted and misleading teachings. Of more concern is the fact that the pro-Palestinian and anti-Western teachings of York University may be breeding a generation of radical students who may be tempted to join the cause of the Radical Islamic terrorist organization like Daesh (ISIS) Al Quaida and the like. Beware!
In 2011 I was lucky to have the opportunity to take a sabatical year and on a scholarship from York University, my wife and I went to Israel for a full academic year at Tel_Aviv University, where I continued my studies in International Relation, Security studies and Islamic studies while my wife fulfilled her dream of Jewish studies in the Hebrew language. 
The following is a collection of selected academic papers for your reading pleasure.
Security studies:
The Problem of the Other in International Political Economy

Theorizing the image of Security Studies
Cyber Deterence and Cyber Wars
Fundamentalism and Terrorism

The “fight” against Human Trafficking:Insufficient, Ineffectual and Indefensible

Transnational Sex Trafficking

Reconstructing Self and Other is the 9/11 Commission Report

Self and the Other in International Diplomacy



The United States HealthCare debate leading to ObamaCare


Exploring the Democratic experience


The Role of Technology and Innovation in the development of Israel

The Conservative Government "Pluralism" or "Eliticism" 


Jewish Studies:

Jewish Identity - What is it all about?

The Jewish Identity of a Hungarian immigrant to Canada

Jewish Identity in Israel and the Diaspora


The reflexive movement in Anthropology

Israeli Cinema

Zohar Blessing

ברכה לזהר

הרוח היא נושבת עצים הם בשלכת

הסתו הגיע ועמו את מתבגרת

עשור שנים עברו מאז כתבתי לך השיר

והנה את בת מצוה ועתידך עשיר

יפה ואצילה לקראתו הנך צועדת

בחיוך מקרין בשובבות עינים מענינת

ואנו שזכינו לראותך פורחת לתפארת

מאחלים לך ברכת זהר נהדרת

יברכך אלוהים וישמרך

וימלא את לבך באהבה ובשמחה

באושר ובתבונה

כי בת ישראל הנך היום ולנו הגאוה


A Blessing for Zohar

The wind is blowing the leaves are falling

Autumn has arrived, and you are growing

A decade passed since I wrote you a poem

Now you are a Bat Mitzvah with future bright

Beautiful and regal toward it do you march

With a bright smile and mischievous gaze

We the fortunate who saw you bloom and blossom

Wish you and bestow upon you the Zohar blessing

“May the Lord bless you and guard you and, may

He fill your heart with Love and Happiness, Joy and Wisdom

from now and forever as of today you are

A daughter of the people Israel and

our pride and joy”


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