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Poems by Jaime Eckler

A day in the life of a Mac Air - by Jaime Eckler

Today started off bad. I didn’t sleep that well. Last night Jaime’s mom put me in Jaime’s bag and I slept sideways.  I was upset to be kept in the bag overnight the textbooks and binders were yelling and fighting all through the night in the next pocket. At that moment I was happy to be not kept with them. You might not know this, but textbooks are the worst, they’re big bullies and think they can get away with anything. They’re just jealous of me because  they’re not as modern or as smart as me. The pocket I was in was not at all comfortable it was tight, confined, stuffy, and small. To make matters worse, I was in my case which I usually like but this time it made me sick.  I was really cranky, cruel, and cautious when I finally woke up from my uncomfortable sleep. The textbooks had finally quieted down and I was slowly waking up. Well, I wasn’t really awake since my screen wasn’t open, but I wasn’t shut down. I was kind of half asleep that feeling where you wake up and don’t really know where you are.  If you didn’t guess already I’m a computer, a Macbook Air to be exact and I’m the best computer to have. I’m as sleek as a jaguar and as smart as the smartest person in the world. Jaime had treated me like I was a textbook, she treated me lower than low, she basically smashed me to pieces. Even Microsoft computers shouldn’t be treated like I was treated.  After I woke up the day got a tiny bit better Jaime’s mom drove us so we didn’t have to take the subway but when we got into the car Jaime dropped her bag on the floor and bumped me,  it still hurts a little. The whole day hasn’t been good but I’m waiting to rest and get charged tonight.

Zohar Blessing

ברכה לזהר

הרוח היא נושבת עצים הם בשלכת

הסתו הגיע ועמו את מתבגרת

עשור שנים עברו מאז כתבתי לך השיר

והנה את בת מצוה ועתידך עשיר

יפה ואצילה לקראתו הנך צועדת

בחיוך מקרין בשובבות עינים מענינת

ואנו שזכינו לראותך פורחת לתפארת

מאחלים לך ברכת זהר נהדרת

יברכך אלוהים וישמרך

וימלא את לבך באהבה ובשמחה

באושר ובתבונה

כי בת ישראל הנך היום ולנו הגאוה


A Blessing for Zohar

The wind is blowing the leaves are falling

Autumn has arrived, and you are growing

A decade passed since I wrote you a poem

Now you are a Bat Mitzvah with future bright

Beautiful and regal toward it do you march

With a bright smile and mischievous gaze

We the fortunate who saw you bloom and blossom

Wish you and bestow upon you the Zohar blessing

“May the Lord bless you and guard you and, may

He fill your heart with Love and Happiness, Joy and Wisdom

from now and forever as of today you are

A daughter of the people Israel and

our pride and joy”


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