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Personal  Matters

The English language is so powerful. Personal (a.k.aFamily) is all that matters. 
Many a family claim to be close knit, care for each other, have each other backs, be there when needed without being called and share in each others moments of joy as well as sadness. We do all of this and more. We fight with each other at time, get on each others nerves at times and even inadvertantly hurt each other at time. Where we may be different is that our family motto is "I'm O.K. Your'e O.K" That is to say that nothing is personal, that we instantly tell each other what we think and immediately forgive if not forget. That no one can get between us, and that family unity, loyalty, comaradery and above all love and support are etched in our hearts. If it sounds corny, well it is. over the years I have kept certain written documents that were near and dear to me and that reinforce my claim. This is really more for our family members grandparents, children, grandchildren and future generations of Zohars. If future generation will be able to uphold these values that are so dear to us, than let this be our legacy. 
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